Wuji Mountain Musings #1

Welcome to Wuji Mountain Musings, my blog posting here at CommunityAwake where I share random thoughts on the current world flow, especially as they relate to our body, mind, and spirit well-being.
I pretty much live as a recluse, and have for a few years now, starting way before TCE (The Covid Era)… Maybe my Intuitive Mind anticipated what was to unfold in this past year and a half, one never really knows the complexity of the energies that move us to action… but something strong within me said it was time to live in the mountains, and for this period of time, I have lived very simply in a little shack I built myself, on 8 acres of forested mountaintop with the view in the image I share here. I call this sanctuary, Wuji Mountain, honoring the years in the early 1990s when I lived in China, studying with elder Master doctors who taught me Qigong, Tuina Massage, Acupuncture, and Meditation. Many of these Masters lived in the mountains, so for me to study with them, I had to journey to places outside of the cities. Most of these men and women were in their 90s and lived in quite remote places that took days of travel to get to, taking me to places many foreigners had never yet visited. Each journey was a blessing, and I honor the teachers who took me under their wing. Each of them told me that being foreign, I would at some point leave China and share the knowledge they shared with me. This always touched my Heart, and helped me remember the gifts I was receiving back then…
Every day we receive these types of gifts, and many times in much more subtle ways. It may be a wise word from a friend when we are in need, it may be in a poem we read, it may be in a story from your Grandparent you were patient enough to listen to. The gifts we receive can be in a sincere smile from a stranger, or a deep hug from a dear friend. Your last gift may have been a moment with a pet that reminded you about unconditional love. Each of these gifts we receive have the potential of bringing us back to Heart-centeredness as they remind us, if we are wise enough to notice, that the insanity of the world that we hear from the news is not what defines us. That news is rarely telling us the whole story, and the part they are telling may actually not be in our best interest. This is why we are asked, now more than ever, to notice the gifts we are receiving – even the most subtle and seemingly not important. When we can appreciate the smallest gesture from someone that connects us at the Heart level, we have taken another step at widening the bandwidth that leads to our Heart Resonance. Trust me, this is critical now to prepare us for more challenges to come in the world. Those who are prepared with tools to help them ground and center in Heart Resonance will be part of the amazing opportunities that await us when we pass through this current challenge. Breathe…
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“You are such a special blessing in our lives and the gifts you share with us are priceless, as they are gifts of love and compassion. We are all so very privileged to be on the receiving end of your love and the love you allow us to share globally via your diverse offerings. I’ve learned so much from you and now turn to your teachings and meditations to calm my anxiety, for which I am very grateful.”
SH, California