Tax Deductible Donation to Support CommunityAwake’s Wuji Mountain



Thank you for helping to keep our CommunityAwake Wuji Mountain studio and workshop retreat project a reality through your tax-deductible donations.  We are a small, non-profit 501(c)3 organization that has been self-sustaining since 2002. Our volunteers and part-time paid staff depend on your caring, charitable contributions and support to keep us vital and able to empower youth and adults with our various programs like the Wuji Mountain…

For those of you who wish to make a tax-deferred donation through your bank or financial advisor, here’s our #FEIN – 54-2124537 and Tax ID:  W20116478-01

9 September 2023 – The Wuji Mountain House being framed in, with the Watsu Pool in the foreground.

Your financial support in selecting one of the above options allows us to build Wuji Mountain, a forested, 8-acre mountaintop retreat center and program streaming facility in Asheville, North Carolina, USA. Click here to learn more.

Your donations have allowed us to complete Phase One – Build electric, water, sewage, and road infrastructure. Total: $88,000 – Goal Achieved!

Phase Two:  Build one Guest Cabin and one Kitchen/Shower/Toilet Outbuilding, and the cement block foundation for the Classroom and GuestHouse. Total:  $69,000 – Goal Achieved!

Phase Three:  Completion of Classroom, GuestHouse, and Watsu Therapy Pool. This includes framing, roofing, and all interior work to allow us to open to the public:  Total:  $480,000. Amount to Date: $224,500.

We are on our way, but now need to meet our fundraising goal balance of:  $255,500

Help us and be part of our non-profit vision to offer a sanctuary for private and small-group gatherings, workshops, teacher trainings, and live video program streaming in the Eastern and holistic healing arts.

If the amount you would like to donate is not listed above, please click here to enter the specific tax-deductible, charitable donation that you would like to gift CommunityAwake for the Wuji Mountain project.

Please let us know if you would like our Board Treasurer and bookkeeper Michelle Carlson to send you a formal receipt to give to your accountant for use in filing your IRS Tax Return to secure your deduction as we are fully listed with the IRS as a non-profit charity.  Thank you again and know that supportive waves flow to you from our Heart.  Peace…

The CommunityAwake Team

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