Guided Meditations for Personal Empowerment
5These Lessons are designed to address key aspects of our body/mind/spirit awareness... and by transforming our relationship to how we define and embrace our belief systems, we can truly transform our life. Each lesson stands alone, yet they all weave together to help build your sense of empowerment, confidence, and self-image. Find a quiet and cozy place to listen to them... and wear headphones or earbuds to allow yourself the immersive experience... Breathe and enjoy your journey...
Lesson1.116 minutes
Lesson1.225 minutes
Lesson1.326 minutes
Lesson1.423 minutes
Lesson1.519 minutes
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This is an amazing curriculum Francesco..thanks so much!! As i read some of the exercises..I could hear their pronunciation in the DVD that i had so many years ago..Grazie mille, ci vediamo subito!
This is an amazing curriculum!! DVD?? There’s a DVD?? If so, I would love to purchase one! This is going to be incredible!! Thank you, Francesco!
Ahhh… no DVD… That’s why we offer the Course… best to go “old school” when it comes to Wuji Hundun, especially for Instructor Certification… there is nothing quite like being with like-minded souls in the Qi Field together… Breathe…