Organ Cleansing – The Kidneys… Qigong instructor Francesco Garripoli leads you through a guided meditation on the “Zang Fu Gong” Organ Cleansing and Strengthening Qigong principles. This installment of the series on this powerful system for self-healing and energy building focuses on the Kidneys. Using techniques to “breathe Qi” into the Kidney organs and meridians, learn how they are connected to determination and will power and how this can lead to Fear. Open the energy flow from your Ming Men to energize the Kidneys and build your Intuition in the process. Explore the “Three Treasures” – Jing, Qi, and Shen… and much more. Learn more at CommunityAwake.comOrgan Cleansing – The Kidneys… Qigong instructor Francesco Garripoli leads you through a guided meditation on the “Zang Fu Gong” Organ Cleansing and Strengthening Qigong principles. This installment of the series on this powerful system for self-healing and energy building focuses on the Kidneys. Using techniques to “breathe Qi” into the Kidney organs and meridians, learn how they are connected to determination and will power and how this can lead to Fear. Open the energy flow from your Ming Men to energize the Kidneys and build your Intuition in the process. Explore the “Three Treasures” – Jing, Qi, and Shen… and much more.
Guided Meditation on Dreaming Awake by Francesco Garri Garripoli 2-8-15
Audio: 24 minutes, 51 secs. Recorded on Kaua’i in the Kahuna Valley Octagon Classroom during a Sunday Qigong class.
The theme of this meditation is… “Mindful, conscious breathing to feed your Kidneys”:
#7 in the “Zang Fu Gong” Organ Cleansing & Strengthening Series – The Kidneys”
In this meditation, you will receive insights on:
· What your Kidneys do physically and energetically, and how you can breathe into your Kidney System .
· How your Kidneys System is connected to determination and willpower, and how when challenged, this leads to fear.
· How your Kidneys mirror the ocean, and the hydrolytic cycle.
· How your Kidneys System is connected to determination and willpower, and how when challenged, this leads to fear.
· How your Kidneys mirror the ocean, and the hydrolytic cycle.
· Opening the channel of flow from your “Ming Men” point to energize your Kidneys when they are challenged.
· How “Jing”, “Qi”, and “Shen” are the three treasures that are energized by, and flow through the Kidney field.
· What might shut down your intuition when Fear rises.
· Empowering your Kidneys and the “Ming Men” point so your intuition naturally rises.
· How “Jing”, “Qi”, and “Shen” are the three treasures that are energized by, and flow through the Kidney field.
· What might shut down your intuition when Fear rises.
· Empowering your Kidneys and the “Ming Men” point so your intuition naturally rises.
and more..
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